Mold Questionnaire
A significant portion of my client work is addressing a very common yet overlooked ‘root cause’, the bioaccumulation of Mold & Mycotoxins.
Mold & Mycotoxin Toxicity is a growing epidemic and a Great Mimicker for many chronic illnesses. If you or someone you know are dealing with a chronic condition or mystery illness, Mold & Mycotoxins may be an underlying root cause worth testing for.
Mold is very serious when left unidentified/untreated as it produces different types of Mycotoxins, some of which are Group 1 Carcinogens. In my formal training, one of the instructors, a Functional Medicine Doctor, said to our group... “if only all cancer patients we’re tested for mold, we’d be having different outcomes…”
I know Mold Toxicity firsthand. I tested for high levels and not once suspected it as a root cause as my symptomatology didn’t fit the typical symptoms such as CIRS or MCAS. It was overlooked by 4 Naturopathic Doctors and 1 Functional Medicine Doctor - who I hired and spent $10,000’s over many years - all to no avail. I have onboarded many clients who have spent upwards of $20K with NDs or FMDs - all to no avail - only to find out through lab testing with me, that Mold is one of the major contributing root causes driving their condition.
I successfully detoxed Mold which was difficult (and expensive). I will continue to test each year to ensure my efforts continue to work. I follow an antifungal diet and still incorporate most of the supplement strategies from my personalized Mold Protocol. I do this to prevent it from returning. And it was one of the driving forces in my decision to remove my Breast Implants as a colleague of mine who does Live Blood Analysis said all her patients with Breast Implants have high levels of Mold in their blood. Mold thrives in an opportunistic terrain - one of chemical and heavy metal toxicity, poor detoxification and drainage, nutritional deficiencies, stress, trauma, gut dysbiosis and intestinal permeability.
Below is the Crista Mold Questionnaire that you can review and see if your symptomatology & scores present Mold Toxicity as a possible root cause. If you’re dealing with a chronic condition or mystery illness, other possibilities for consideration include; Lyme disease, tick-borne coinfections, environmental/heavy metal toxicity, parasites. If you are suspicious of Mold being at the root of your health issues, please reach out to me for a free consultation. I’m offer all potential new clients a complimentary Zoom call - for serious inquiries only.
Healthy Regards,
Crista Mold Questionnaire
check all symptoms experienced in the past 3-6 months
This tool is intended as a clinical information aid, and is not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Symptoms listed have been reported in mold illness patients. Not all symptoms have been proven in studies.
Total Category 1 Boxes Marked
0-4 boxes marked = Score 0
5-9 boxes marked = Score 1
10-15 boxes marked = Score 2
16+ boxes marked = Score 3
Category 1 Score _________
Total Category 2 Boxes Marked
0-2 boxes marked = Score 0
3-5 boxes marked = Score 1
6-9 boxes marked = Score 2
10+ boxes marked = Score 3
Category 2 Score _________
Total Category 3 Boxes Marked
Score 1 for each box marked.
Boxes marked and score will be the same for this category.
Category 3 Score _________
Total Mold Risk
Category 1 Score + Category 2 Score + Category 3 Score = TOTAL MOLD RISK
10+ Probable Mold / Biotoxin Sickness
Category 1
Brain fog
Feel tired all the time
Frequent runny nose
Blow your nose often
Post-nasal drip
Nose bleeds
Swollen glands
Shortness of breath
Frequent yawning or sighing
Heart palpitations
Hay Fever
Sensitivity to light
Nervousness / can’t settle
Feeling overwhelmed
Chronic dry cough
Irritated lungs
Blood-streaked mucous
Nasal polyps
Coated tongue
Sores in the mouth
Bumps on the back of throat
Sore or itchy ear canals
Ringing in the ears
Bothered by loud noises
Skin rash
Burning or itchy skin
Eye irritation
Blurry vision
Increased thirst
Trouble sleeping
Easy bruising
Spider veins
Bothered by tags or seems on clothing
Protruding veins on limbs
Lower extremity edema
Clear your throat often
Sore throat
Frequent colds
Delayed recovery from colds
Exhausted from exercise
Frequent static shocks
Frequent change in vision
Low mood or depressed
Feeling of internal vibration
Drunken feeling
Frequent urination
Yeast infection
chnage in appetitie
Intestinal gas
Feeling bloated
Crave sweets
Crave alcohol
Dark circles under eyes
Category 2
Burning lungs
Recurrent respiratory infections
Allergies aren’t well controlled by medication
Voice sounds nasally
Plugged or clogged ears
Alternating constipation/diarrhea
Irritable bowel
Food sensitivities
Chemical sensitivities
Chemical sensitivities
Abnormal reaction to antibiotics
Epstein-Barr Virus
Recurrent yeast infections
Bacterial vaginosis
Recurrent athletes foot, jock itch or toenail fungus
Peeling/sloughing skin
Episode of fast heart rate
Chest pain
Raynaud’s syndrome
Chronic sinusitis
React to musty spaces
Non-obstutive sleep apnea
Difficulty thinking clearly
Balance issues
Slow reflexes
Numbness or tingling
Nerve pains
Unexplained menstrual changes
Overactive bladder
Category 3
Daily use of sinus spray, sinus RX, or Neti Pot
Sinus surgery at any time in your life
Peanut Allergy
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Difficulty walking
Postrual Tachcardia Syndrome
Hearing loss
Memory loss
Asthma that’s difficult to control with medication
Idiopathic pneumonitit
Lung scarring or nodules
Respiratory distress
Coagulation abnormalities
Erythema nodosum
Eosinophilic esophagitis
Non-celiac intestinal disease
Blood in stool
Cyclical vomiting syndrome
Liver pain / swelling
Fatty liver
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Interstitial cystitis
Kidney pain / swelling
Churg Strauss Syndrome
Histamine Intolerance
Chronic pelvic pain
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Previous or current cancer diagnosis
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Exposure to water damaged building any time in your life
Exposure to mold
Positive Shoemaker tests
Kidney disease