Angela Kadin
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Treat the causes, not the symptoms.

Whatever your health goal, know that your desire to feel your absolute best is “My Why”. Health sciences, the mind-body connection and helping people achieve results not thought possible is my deep-seated passion.

My philosophy for living a happier life with a healthier you is to Start With a Clean Slate by identifying the underlying root causes driving your health condition - and eliminating these energetic depleting culprits so you can achieve your best health - physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually.

My approach with each client is to identify their unique causes under multiple categories of Causative Factors, both biochemical and energetic - and design a properly curated step by step program with the necessary dietary changes, a natural supplement regime & strategy and the positive lifestyle recommendations designed to heal. In fact, my clients are pleasantly surprised how well they feel so soon into their program. You can see my client's success stories here.


My client work includes:

  • ADHD (children)

  • Anxiety

  • Arthritic Types

  • Autoimmune Disorders 

  • Candida Overgrowth & Detoxification 

  • Children’s Health 

  • Chronic Allergies

  • Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

  • Depression (including antidepressant tapering & withdrawal process)

  • Gut Health Disorders: SIBO, GERD, IBS, IBD, Gut Dysbiosis & Intestinal Permeability

  • Hashimoto’s Disease  

  • High Cholesterol

  • Histamine Intolerance

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Men’s Sex/Stress Hormones

  • Mold & Mycotoxin Detoxification

  • Osteopenia / Osteoporosis

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Skin Disorders

  • Weight Loss/Gain

  • Women’s Sex/Stress Hormones

These are the ways we can work together…

Client Insurance Coverage Available. My professional designation is recognized by many insurance companies for reimbursement; Manulife, iA Financial Group, GreenShield Canada, Equitable Life Insurance, ClaimSecure Inc. and Blue Cross Alberta. These companies, as well as a few smaller insurers.

$250 = Consultation + Program Guide (no lab testing). A thorough intake is conducted prior to our consultation plus a 600 online questionnaire, Symptomatology. In your consultation, you’ll receive dietary, nutritional supplement and lifestyle strategies to support your unique biochemistry. Additional recommendations may be included - including appropriate Functional Lab Tests to support your on-going progress. Follow up sessions are recommended every 3-5 weeks in the beginning stages. Schedule your initial consultation.

$425 = Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis + Consultation & Program Guide. Test measures toxic elements and nutritional elements. This test provides the basis for a nutritional balancing program to establish and maintain optimal levels of wellness.

By correcting tissue mineral levels and ratios with proper diet, supplementary nutrients and lifestyle modifications, many physical and behavioral health conditions can be prevented or reversed. 10 reasons to choose a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

Starting at $1525 = Advanced long-term support including Orthomolecular Nutrition + Functional Lab Testing + Dedicated Guidance. Long-term program support with me is for you if you’re looking for solutions to a long term chronic condition or if you’d like to optimize your prevention strategies.

If you know that a radical shift with your health regime must start now, I welcome you to book your free consultation today to learn my methodology and how I can help you with your health.

$695 = DUTCH Test + Consultation with the necessary dietary guidance, supplement strategies and lifestyle recommendations to support your hormone health. Too many women are suffering unnecessary from hormonal imbalances; weight gain, fatigue, low libido, PMS. PMDD, mood swings, depression or what I call an exaggerated response during Peri/Menopause. The DUTCH test is the most complete assessment of sex and adrenal hormones, along with their metabolites plus organic acids and neurotransmitter markers. Add on a Functional Stool Test + $625.

Weight loss continues to be the #1 New Year’s resolution despite the growing billion dollar weight loss industry and all their toxic lies & untruths. Weight gain or weight loss resistance is a symptom no different than any other dis-ease - a constellation of symptoms driven by multiple underlying root causes. Undetected and unaddressed root causes aren’t just driving a person’s weight gain, they’re a byproduct of serious unbalanced thyroid, stress and sex hormones, mitochondrial dysfunction, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal and chemical toxicity and so on. What the diet (and fitness) industry fail to tell people is that these underlying root causes - if left unidentified, ignored and unaddressed - will lead to much more serious, possibly irreversible, health issues in the future.

In this program - Holistic Solutions for Permanent Weight Loss - your weight loss will be the ‘Cherry on Top’ result you can expect as we address the underlying root causes unique to your biochemistry. This means that your results will indeed be

long-lasting results as they will be the byproduct of getting healthier overall. Yes, you’ll learn my top recommended weight loss hacks as I do have Weight Loss Expert™ listed under my credentials - wink wink - but these will always be healthy hacks that are safe and effective.

Your Weight Loss Program Particulars are as follows:

  • Thorough intake / onboarding process: Adult Intake Questionnaire, Review of any current labs - ie; blood work from your medical doctor, Nutritional Symptomatology, an in-depth 600 point online questionnaire and analysis that evaluates your body language and can interpret bodily signs and symptoms to find the underlying causation factors. This analysis is especially helpful at identifying even the subclinical deficiencies that don’t show up in conventional testing.

  • This program includes 4 Key Functional Lab Tests, at my wholesale cost to help identify the underlying causes contributing to your weight gain, weight loss resistance and other health complaints.

    • An Organic Acids Test, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Functional Stool Analysis and the DUTCH Complete Hormone Test. You can learn more about each Lab Test here.

  • Initial 120+ mins nutrition consultation via Zoom with 3 months of continuous evaluation, direction, accountability and education - keeping you on track for a successful follow through.

  • Personalized Dynamic Program Guide with my Label VS Cause methodology - which will include your test results and the necessary dietary and supplement/nutraceutical strategies & recommendations for your health and weight loss results. I like to provide customized homework & exercises and resources (ie; books, articles, TedTalks, journaling exercises) to support your self-education and mindset through this process.

  • Any necessary health supplementation that I recommend will be discounted at wholesale as well. YAY!

  • Special note, limited space available. I only onboard 2 clients per month specific to this program.

Total Investment including lab tests, $2325 CAD

No matter how we decide to work together, I standby my service & programs with 100% certainty. If you’re the kind of person who will “show up” wholeheartedly, dedicate time and intention each day and do the homework - then there’s no way you won’t experience results.

Are you ready?

This is for you if…

  • Making your health is your #1 priority. You want and need to change.

  • You are seeking higher meaning, purpose, fulfillment and self-determination.

  • You will delegate time each day to prioritize your program.

  • You want a partner (Me!) who has a Growth Mindset, is performance and results driven, and walks her talk!

  • You want a success partner (Me!) who gives Soulfully, delivers accurate science-based information.

  • You are humble and receptive to feedback.

  • You want to be equipped with the knowledge, wisdom and know-how to continue to succeed after the program. #self-empowered

  • You are willing to work alongside a Medical Doctor if/when required.

this isn’t for you if..

  • You think this is just another popular fad detox diet.

  • You don’t see the value in alternative therapies.

  • You want a partner to coddle you.

  • You expect immediate results.

  • You’re in a place in your life where you have a lot of external changes - and too busy for self-care.

  • You aren’t open to trying new things.

  • You misuse or abuse chemical medicine, alcohol or recreational drugs.

  • You don’t believe that you are responsible for 100% of your choices.

If you’re interested in how we can work together, answer the following questions and I’ll be in your inbox soon with my thoughts and next steps…